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The Cutting Edge Of Wall Brush Grommet Should Be Handled Well-AOQUN

The Cutting Edge Of Wall Brush Grommet Should Be Handled Well-AOQUN


Mr. Deng is the purchasing manager of a wall plate processing company in Malaysia. He contacted Mr. Roger from Aoqun business last year. He mentioned that their company has received an order from a wall plate company, and they have to install wall brush grommet for this batch of wall plates. He ordered 250 wall brush grommet from a brush factory in China. On the day the wall brush grommet entered the warehouse, it was discovered that the cutting edge of the brush was not handled well. Not only did the crooked hair of the cutting edge remain, but also a handful of hairs could be simply pulled out.

Wall Brush Grommet

In order to avoid complaints from customers for such goods, Mr. Deng had to seek a theory from the supplier, but got an irresponsible reply. In a hurry, he asked another brush company, Aoqun. It was Roger that was docked with him. Roger told Mr. Deng to provide him with the pictures processed by the cutting edge and how to do simple processing. First, clean the filaments on both ends, and then clamp the cutting edge with pliers. Because of the limited project time, Mr. Deng had to follow Roger's suggestion to do a simple treatment on the cutting edge of the brush. Roger introduced to Mr. Deng Aoqun's general method of processing wall brush grommet cutting edge, which basically uses three punches and four punches for processing. The brush processed by the three-punch knife will sharpen the cutting edge, while the brush processed by the four-punch knife can be used directly. Aoqun’s packaging workers will process the diagonal hairs of the cutting edge before packaging. Some samples and catalogs were also sent to him.

Wall Brush Grommet

Mr. Deng is very grateful to Roger for his help and explanation, and he will definitely choose to cooperate with Aoqun if there will be brush orders in the future. In February of this year, last month, Mr. Deng sent an order for wall brush grommet to Roger. So stop letting cutting edge processing bother you.

Wall Brush Grommet

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