Guangzhou AOQUN Strip Brushes Factory can always provide customers with an accurate and satisfactory delivery date, and the customer delivery satisfaction rate is 99.99%.
Strip Brushes Factory
As the vanguard of the Strip Brush Supplier in Guangzhou, AOQUN Brush Industry immediately began to process the material plan after receiving the customer's order to ensure that the supplier's incoming supply is stable, and also pay attention to the delivery time of the incoming material, and formulate the corresponding Production plan. After the materials arrive, AOQUN Strip Brushes Plants will also arrange special personnel to carry out unpacking inspection to ensure the quality of the incoming materials before starting production. AOQUN has a systematic and standardized production scheduling management. The average daily output of Long Strip Brush is 65,000 meters. It is the source of AOQUN's confidence in the face of customers and the best delivery guarantee for customers.
Nylon Industrial Strip Brush
If the customer's order is urgent, AOQUN Strip Brushes Workshops will communicate with the customer in advance to confirm the delivery time, and if necessary, the production plan will be appropriately changed, and the urgent order will be arranged to obtain more prime time for the customer.
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